WM 2021 Info / History

WM 2021 Info / History

Vaasan Ampujat – Vasa Skyttegille rf. ry./Practical will host IPSC Handgun competition. The main match is shot during August 1. 2021 (Sunday).
The Match will be held at Kivijärvi Sport shooting Centre in Vaasa, Finland.

Main Match: 1.8.2021
Pre Match: 31.7.2021


Number of stages: 12
Number of shots: 232+ pf
Number of competitors: 120 Main Match (60 Pre Match)
Only members of IPSC can attend the match.
3 slots in each division is reserved top shooters in Finnish national ranking, Registration for these slots starts 15.5.2021 and these slots are released to public after 31.5.2021 if not reserved.
Match Director (MD): Hannu Maunula, tel. +358 500 719283, hannu.maunula@netikka.fi
Range Master (RM): Mikko Koski (VS-VA), mikko.o.koski@gmail.com
Stats Officer (SO): Janne Vuorela, janne.vuorela@netikka.fi

Divisions: Standard, Production, Classic, Revolver, Open, Production Optics and Production Optics Light
Awards: The top three competitors of each division and top three teams are awarded
Rules: Official IPSC rulebook (JANUARY 2019 EDITION)

Match fee: 90 EUR (post-registration 110 EUR)
The deadline for the match fee is 14.6.2021. Unpaid slots will be released to the shooters in the waiting list after 18.6.2021
Team fee: 40 EUR (Prefer online payment. Due date 18.7.2021, but in special cases can be paid in cash upon registration at the range)
Arbitration: 45 EUR

Registration starts in Shoot N Score It in May 31, 2021 at 6.00 PM.
 SSI – Wasamatch 2021
Alternative registration for those who are not able to register in SSI: Alternative registration   or via email to kilpailut@vsva.net with subject: WM2021

Payment Information:

Bank: OP
IBAN: FI13 5670 0820 3739 57
Recipient: ”Vasa Skyttegille – Vaasan Ampujat r.f.”
Include message: WM 2021, your name, your ID number

Or by PayPal in the Wasa Match Shop.

Please note that you will be asked to provide a receipt of the match fee at the range upon registration.

We welcome NROI and IROA Range Officers and helpers who are willing to work at the match.
Pre Match is free to Match Officials. RO’s will be offered lunch during the main match.
If you wish to work at WasaMatch 2021, please contact MD before July 15.

Welcome to Vaasa!
Hannu Maunula, MD

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